下面将以StreamSql为实例,一步步地搭建出一个 分布式流计算应用,让你能快速的入门 SYLPH。
StreamSql是完全通过类sql来描述整个流计算的过程。主要需要描述: 数据源如何接入、如何计算、如何输出到外部存储; 例如计算每分钟的pv; 每5秒更新一次最近一分钟的uv。
# demo1
下面例子演示将kafka topic TP_A_1,TP_A_2
注意: mysql中表mysql_table_sink
-- 定义数据流接入
create source table topic1(
_topic varchar,
_key varchar,
_message varchar,
_partition integer,
_offset bigint
) with (
type = 'kafka',
kafka_topic = 'TP_A_1,TP_A_2',
"auto.offset.reset" = latest,
kafka_broker = 'localhost:9092',
kafka_group_id = 'streamSql_test1'
-- 定义数据流输出位置
create sink table mysql_table_sink(
a1 varchar,
a2 varchar,
event_time bigint
) with (
type = 'mysql', -- ideal.sylph.plugins.flink.sink.MysqlSink.java
userName = 'demo',
password = 'demo',
url = 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/pop?characterEncoding=utf-8&useSSL=false',
query = 'insert into mysql_table_sink values(${0},${1},${2})'
-- 描述数据流计算过程
insert into mysql_table_sink
select _topic,`_message`,cast(_offset as bigint) from topic1 where _key is not null
# demo2
下面的例子 演示如何计算topic TP_A_1
create source table topic1(
_topic varchar,
_key varchar,
_message varchar,
_partition integer,
_offset bigint
) with (
type = 'kafka',
kafka_topic = 'TP_A_1',
"auto.offset.reset" = latest,
kafka_broker = 'localhost:9092',
kafka_group_id = 'streamSql_test1'
create sink table mysql_uv_table_sink(
user_id varchar,
uv bigint,
cnt_time date
) with (
type = 'mysql', -- ideal.sylph.plugins.flink.sink.MysqlSink.java
userName = 'demo',
password = 'demo',
url = 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/pop?characterEncoding=utf-8&useSSL=false',
query = 'insert into mysql_uv_table_sink values(${0},${1},${2})'
with tb13 as (SELECT proctime
,row_get(rowline,0)as user_id
FROM topic1, LATERAL TABLE(json_parser(_message,'user_id')) as T(rowline)
where cast(row_get(rowline,0) as varchar) is not null
insert into mysql_uv_table_sink
count(distinct user_id) as uv
,TUMBLE_START(proctime,INTERVAL '60' SECOND) AS window_start
FROM tb13 GROUP BY user_id,TUMBLE(proctime,INTERVAL '60' SECOND)